Online threats and cyber ابتزاز crimes have grown considerably in recent years, particularly with the proliferation and expansion of social media usage. These dangers do not target a single user demographic or age group; rather, they target everyone, particularly children. سايبر criminals make little attempt to develop new methods for controlling digital devices, unlawfully accessing email and text messages, or spying on children’s private online activities in order to steal their identities or access their financial information. Children are especially vulnerable to these types of assaults because they are readily enticed by special offers or free games and do not realise the risk of being exposed to viruses and frauds. There are two sorts of internet risks to children. The first is cyberbullying, since the internet environment has become a perfect venue for hostile behaviours and victim harassment, and it is unquestionably the obligation of parents to supervise their children’s online activity by activating the parental control function. Furthermore, it is essential to teach our children not to disclose any text, image, or other type of private material that may cause harm or embarrassment to another person. Malware, which includes hostile or invasive software, spyware, viruses, and hackers, is the second danger. As a result, users, particularly young people, must be aware of the dangers that may cause them to become unwitting victims of cybercrime.
There are numerous strategies to decrease the dangers of online threats, most of which are based on educating youngsters about the necessity of being cautious not to reveal their personal information online, including passwords. Furthermore, people must exercise caution when adding or accepting a friend request via social media. The most essential method to safeguard children is to use the parental control software supplied by Windows 10 to improve children’s online monitoring and security.
There are some essential rules to preserve children’s online security and safeguard them from cyberattacks or blackmail attempts.” The first rule is to consider before posting. Children should be taught not to click on any links, react to or open any dangerous communications.
They must be reminded on a regular basis not to disclose any information or photos on the Internet, even if they believe it is a private communication.
It is also critical to communicate with children about what they are doing on the Internet and to constantly follow-up and monitor their online activity through parental control features, but only with their consent and knowledge that their parents are using this tool that monitors their online activities without invading their social privacy, as well as to block some websites, applications, or games if necessary.
Privacy Settings
The second point is that privacy settings must be configured. To adjust privacy settings and the quantity of information that may be shared on social networking platforms or other applications, parents must enable the Parental Control function. These settings will safeguard private information, such as content and data found on used devices, and will disable location services.
The third point is to supervise their children’s web browsing, the types of files they are seeing, and what they are dealing with.