List of Importance of Quran

The word Quran literally means “recitation,” and Muslims all around the world recite its words. In the year 610CE, the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad during Ramadan, the Islamic calendar’s holy month. The Quran is the holy book of Muslims, and it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in stages over a period of 23 years. Muslims regard Quranic revelations as God’s divine message, intended to correct any errors found in previous holy writings, such as the Old and New Testaments. Allah’s text, written in Arabic, is known as the Quran. Recitation is referred to as “Quran” in Arabic. The Quran must be recited in Arabic by all Muslims, regardless of their country’s language. The Quran is divided into 114 chapters, each with 6,000 verses, and was primarily revealed to Muhammad over a twenty-two-year period. Surahs are chapters that are grouped according to their length, ranging from the longest, which is around twenty-two pages of Arabic text, to the shortest, which is one line. Muslims have a variety of prayer practises that they follow on a regular basis. They place a high value on prayer in their daily lives, and many of their prayers are based on the Quran. They perform Salah prayer procedures five times a day. They pray in the morning, midday, afternoon, sunset, and evening. Muslims also use the Quran as a guide for performing their religious rituals.

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It is the Most Truthful Speech

Prophet Muhammad (S) read the words of Allah to the Muslims surrounding him on a regular basis. These Muslims were overjoyed and delighted to hear Allah’s words. The most true discourse, the most eloquent advise, and the best stories are all found in Allah’s Book, according to Prophet Muhammad (S). Muslims paid close attention to what the Prophet said, memorised the Qur’an’s words and paragraphs, recited them on a regular basis, and followed the Qur’an’s teachings. The Prophet appointed special people known as “Scribes of the Qur’an” to write down Allah’s words in order to preserve them.

Explains the Purpose of Life

Muslims believe that the Quran is the outcome of Divine inspiration rather than man’s efforts. The Divine book emphasises the importance of worship, recollection, and obedience in healing the damaged bond between Allah and humanity. The goal is to increase Allah’s honour. Regardless of the topic matter, one theme emerges repeatedly: surrender, commit, and submit yourself completely to the Loving Lord, and you will be assured of redemption, paradise, and salvation from the horrors of Hell. It emphasises Paradise as the long-term benefit of religion and good deeds, while declaring Hell as the result of unbelief and a bad lifestyle. 

The Qur’an Contains Allah’s Message to all People

It instructs people on how to behave properly. It instructs us on how to live a good life in this world. The Book of Allah also mentions the afterlife. It states that Allah has prepared Paradise for the righteous and Hell for the wicked. The Qur’an instructs Muslims to worship only one God, who created and sustains them. People are forbidden from doing evil in the Book, and those who commit wrong are condemned. It includes stories of previous Prophets as well as examples of both good and terrible individuals. The Qur’an advises people to treat others with kindness and respect. It instils in people the values of peace and harmony. Enroll your online Quran course with female Quran teacher.

Moral, Social, and Spiritual Values are Taught

The Divine ideals that the Majestic Quran provides in terms of moral, social, and spiritual values are reflected in the Creator’s perfection, unending love, and providence. These Divine attributes instil humility and reverence in the mind, and these principles lead to human freedom, responsibility, and empowerment, eternal themes that teach us that “you can alter your life if you wish.” This world order of kindness, generosity, and love for the other cannot fail to impress. The Quran teaches how to worship the Almighty Lord, how to live in peace and harmony with one another, and how to live a healthy and smart life, shielding believers from the enticements of a hedonistic-pleasure-seeking lifestyle.


This earthly life does not come to an end when one dies. After death (hereafter), there is a life that will last eternally. The Holy Quran will teach you about the hereafter, and you can read all about the incredible benefits and beauty of heaven that Allah (SWT) has promised believers. “And when a surah is revealed, some of them inquire, “Whose of you did this increase him in Iman?”,” Allah Almighty declares in the Holy Quran. It enhanced their Iman and made them joy for those who believe.”

Author Bio

Muhammad Junaid is a senior Analyst and Search Engine Expert. Extensive experience being a lead writer in Quran for Kids. Work for years with local and international enterprises. Also, represent well-known brands in the UAE.

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